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"Autoportrait" by Hans Bellmer
"Autoportrait ą la bouche ouverte" by Avigdor Arikha
With the arrival of photography, the art of the portrait might have disappeared.
"Peter" by David Hockney
Numerous artists continue to draw, paint and engrave portraits.
"Mao" by Andy Warhol
Moving away from faithful representation, the portrait has become a singular expression.
"Fernando Arrabal" by Roman Cieslewicz "Urs Lüthi" by Urs Lüthi "Herbert Distel" by Barry Flanagan
"Lord Goodman..." by Lucian Freud
"Portrait by Fidel Castro" by Jean Messagier
"Portrait by Henri Chopin" by Bernard-Gabriel Lafabrie
The portrait is born from the encounter of two individuals.
"Portrait" by Francesco Clemente "Phil/Fingerprint", Chuck Close "Selbstporträt 1" by Günther Grass
The human face has yet to find its real identity...
"Je suis rond comme une bille..." by Erik Dietman
It can also be a meeting with oneself.
"Autoportrait" by Claude Fillon
"Portrait by Heinz Ohff" by Wolf Vostell
With the portrait, artists are constantly questioning the limits of representation.
it is up to the painter
to give it one.


"Portraits/1" by Luc Delahaye
"Elisabeth" by Gerhard Richter
"Strähnenhaar" by Arnulf Rainer
"Polaroļd Portraits" by Richard Hamilton "Polaroļd Portraits" by Richard Hamilton
Certain artists have used photography before undertaking their work.
With the portrait, artists are constantly questioning...
"Polaroļd Portraits" by Richard Hamilton "Polaroļd Portraits" by Richard Hamilton

"My Mother's Book" by Joan Lyons "My Mother's Book" by Joan Lyons "My Mother's Book" by Joan Lyons
It is sometimes by repetition that the artists pursues, in his model, the passage of time or the varied facets of a personality.
"Les douze portraits..." by Alberto Giacometti


"Catherine Ba˙" by Jean-Charles Blais
"Catherine Ba˙" by Jean-Charles Blais
"Catherine Ba˙" by Jean-Charles Blais
... the limits of representation.
"Vincent Corpet" by Agathe May
"Famille Abdeli" by Nadia Benbouta
"Famille Abdeli" by Nadia Benbouta
"Famille Abdeli" by Nadia Benbouta
"Portrait by Anne Reby" by Paul Rives "Portrait by Anne Reby" by Paul Rives
"Portrait by Anne Reby" by Paul Rives "Portrait by Anne Reby" by Paul Rives